Case Study - Record Click

Customer Story: Record Click
Customer story:
Record Click
Record Click
Record Click is a leader in providing a complete offering of genealogy services. Their specialists in genetic genealogy help trace family history through DNA genealogy testing and analysis.
Record click
Industry: Genealogy Services
Team size: 50+
Customer Since: October 2011

How we use 5pm

5pm is an incredible tool for us to offer collaborative project options to our clients. We can set up a case in 5pm and instead of just waiting for results, our clients can participate throughout the whole process with their research team. As we work in over 19 countries, we can also seamlessly add several team members from other countries to a project simultaneously using the 5pm interface. We traffic all case notes to the project files on 5pm, so we can avoid excessive emails in our inbox. All communications are in one central place, accessible to all team members.

Timeline screenshot

What we love about 5pm

  • Collaboration
  • User friendly intuitive
  • Great customer service
  • Virtual global office 24/7 client access

5pm is an incredible tool for us to offer collaborative project options to our clients. We can set up a case in 5pm and instead of just waiting for results, our clients can participate throughout the whole process with their research team.

As we work in over 19 countries, we can also seamlessly add several team members from other countries to a project simultaneously using the 5pm interface. We traffic all case notes to the project files on 5pm, so we can avoid excessive emails in our inbox. All communications are in one central place, accessible to all team members.

We traffic all case notes to the project files on 5pm, so we can avoid excessive emails in our inbox.
All communications are in one central place, accessible to all team members.
Elizabeth Khan
Elizabeth Khan

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